Thursday, April 3, 2014

Computer Code Activities

On, we were instructed to complete three activities similar to Scratch where you had something that you had to give instructions to in order to get it to the designated area. I thought this was interesting and particularly enjoyed the activity called Lightbot. This program has a little robot that you have to direct to the blue squares and illuminate. This was challenging, since you would often have a restricted number of instructions you were able to give it but it was a learning experience. With the Angry Birds program, it was a little different but still the same concept.
Out of all three programs I tried, (Lightbot, Angry Bird, and Scratch,) I liked the Lightbot the best. I think that the layout was neat and easy to understand. I liked how you would be able to try as many times as you wanted to and if it did not work, there would not be a pop up saying that you failed or try again or something of that sort.
The other two programs were similar but the one I liked the most was Angry Birds. I found this program easier to run and work with. It was the least confusing and would give you instructions for what you were supposed to do and how you should go about doing it.
For me personally, it takes a few tries at most to get the robot or bird to where it is supposed to go. I think this was a good experience but this is not something I would like to pursue this further in life.

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